76 research outputs found

    Kepemimpinan Sekolah Dasar di Masa Covid-19

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    The coronavirus disease (covid-19) pandemic demands all aspects including the world of education to carry out lockdowns or self-quarantine in an effort to minimize the spread of covid-19. This forces policy makers in schools to be able to adapt to various alternative activities that are adapted to existing developments. This article aims to describe the leadership of primary schools during the Covid-19 period which was carried out at SD Lazuardi Tursina Banyuwangi. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of this study were the director, principal and teachers at SD Lazuardi Tursina Banyuwangi. The data collection technique is done by interview, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique is done by reducing the data, presenting the data and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the leadership carried out in the management of SD Lazuardi Tursina during the covid-19 period included: 1) simplifying the curriculum; 2) coordination and intense discussion between directors, principals and teachers regarding the adjustment of learning techniques, strategies, models and methods; 3) more flexible budget management; 4) continuous evaluation of policies that have been implemented; 5) good communication between schools and parents; and 6) good cooperation with various aspects


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     Abstract:Indonesiais a countryin Southeast Asiaand a member of ASEAN. As a manifestationofeconomic integration ofcountriesin theASEAN, Indonesia is included in ASEANEconomic Community(AEC). With AEC, it is not only in trade of goods sector which need to adjust, but also in services sector. Public may work freely in other countries in accordance with their abilities or skills and requirements required in the country. In facing AEC manifestation, education must also be responsive in preparing educators who have a human resources-based AEC. Teacher is a figure who is always been being a role model by students wherever he/she is. Teachers also enormously contribute in succeeding national education goals. Since position of teachers are significant in realizing education, then character of teachers needs to be considered in order to be a figure corresponding to the requirements. In realizing it, a teacher should: (1) Have a creative thought and has new innovations appropriate with his/her characteristic; (2) Be able to establish a network with the various parties; (3) Have language skills and mastering culture in accordance with "customer’s" language and culture, and (4) Have ability to use instruments/tools based on his/her field


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    The purpose of this study is (1) detail how to use CIRC effectively and (2) demonstrate that doing so may boost speed reading abilities. Classroom Action Research (PTK) using a cyclical research design describes this kind of study. Two cycles of this study were completed over the course of four sessions. Planning, acting, monitoring, and thinking are the four phases that make up each cycle. Twenty-six pupils in fifth grade participated in this study. Students, instructors, and peers all contribute to the data collected. Observation, interviews, and assessments were employed to compile the data. Triangulation is used to ensure the reliability of data. According to the study's findings, the CIRC approach is most effectively implemented when groups (1) form, (2) get reading materials, (3) read together to determine the text's central concept, (4) record their findings on paper, (5) report their findings to the class, and (6) draw mutually agreeable conclusions. Students in the fifth grade at SDN 1 Sungapan may benefit from using the CIRC technique to increase their reading speed throughout the 2022-2023 school year. Learning completion rates of 51.93% in cycle I and 82.70% in cycle II provide evidence of this. The findings of this study suggest that the CIRC method may be used to effectively teach speed reading to fifth graders at SD N 1 Sungapan in the upcoming 2022/2023 school year

    Pengembangan Modul Ajar Berbasis Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning dalam Mengembangkan Profil Pelajar Pancasila Kelas IV SD

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics of teaching modules based on discovery learning models, describe the feasibility of teaching modules and describe the effectiveness of teaching modules in developing Pancasila student profiles. This research is research and development involves adapting and modifying the Borg and Gall procedure into eight steps. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Data analysis techniques using descriptive statistical analysis. The teaching modules developed have characteristics in terms of interesting content and design, integration with the discovery learning model, and the attitude profile of Pancasila students. The results of the material expert validation obtained a percentage of 100%, the media expert validation obtained a percentage of 97,5%, and the class IV A teacher validation obtained a percentage of 98,75%. The results of the students' responses obtained a percentage of 96,8%. The results of the effectiveness of the teaching modules showed an increase in the overall dimensions of the Pancasila student profile of 33,17%. Based on these results, the teaching module based on the discovery learning model is declared to have the feasibility and effectiveness necessary to develop a Pancasila student profile for fourth grade elementary school students

    The Teachings of Ki Hadjar Dewantara in Improving the Character of Elementary School Students in the Revolution of Industry 4.0 Era*

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    Ki Hadjar Dewantara is the Father of Indonesian Education who was instrumental in carrying out an educational revolution in Indonesia from colonial-based to nationalist-based. The learning carried out puts forward the development of character that is balanced with the good mastery of knowledge. One of the teachings used by Ki Hadjar Dewantara in conducting the learning process is the trilogy of leadership and tri nga. The teachings are used as a balance between the knowledge students have and the character carried out in everyday life. These teachings can also enhance the students’ characters which are very important in the revolution of industry 4.0 era, namely cooperative and proactive attitudes. This article aims to describe the implementation of the teachings of Ki Hadjar Dewantara in enhancing students' cooperative and proactive characters through science learning in elementary schools. By implementing Ki Hadjar Dewantara's teachings, the students' proactive and cooperative characters increase, which makes them able to adjust to the progress of the times


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    The purpose of this research is to know the characteristics of the contextual approach 7 components in the LKPD IPA class V SD, knowing the feasibility of LKPD IPA based on contextual grade V SD and know the response of students to LKPD IPA is developed. This type of research is research and development (R&D). The procedure used is phase 6. The trial was conducted to 28 students of class V elementary School Suryodiningratan 2 Yogyakarta. The instruments used are polls, interviews, and documentation. The results of the research and discussion are characteristic of the contextual approach in LKPD IPA V SD class with 7 components. LKPD IPA has been successfully developed and got validation of material expert with validity eligibility of 91.07% criteria "very worthy", media expert 84.09% criteria "very worthy", expert learning 95.83% criteria "very worthy", and validation teacher class 92% criteria "Very decent". Product trials show that student response to LKPD is positive with a qualification of 97.40%


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    The purpose of this research is to describe the implementation of curriculum modification in components of purpose, content, process, and evaluation of the subjects of natural sciences (IPA) in class VI SD 1 Trirenggo Bantul. This type of research is qualitative descriptive research. Data collection techniques are performed with observations, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is the Miles and Huberman model by using data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/ verification. The results showed that modification of the curriculum of science subjects in class VI SD 1 Trirenggo Bantul on components of objective aspects of basic competency has not been modified and indicator aspects have been modified. The components of the content of science’s lesson have not been modified or have not adjusted with the ABK (children with special needs). In the components of the teaching process, the teaching techniques, environment/settings of learning, and learning time have been modified and aspects of teaching methods, learning media, and learning resources have not been modified. On the evaluation components, aspect of evaluation time, the evaluation technique, place of evaluation, approval criteria, and the class upgrade system have been modified and aspects of the test, the form of results, and the form of diploma have not been modified

    Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

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    Taman Muda IbuPawiyatanYogyakarta Vision is to be a quality school, arts-based cultural and educational noble character. Therefore, any learning activity seeks to implement the values of character and concepts ketamansiswaan, including on science learning (IPA). Translating that vision relevant to the purposes of science education that not only emphasizes the development of students’ knowledge of science, but also help the development of students into well-rounded individual with good character. This study aims to explore the implementation of character value through the development of science process skills for students with special needs, values character of the development of science process skills and the factors that influence its implementation. This study is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. Mechanical analysis of data through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. Testing the credibility of both the source and use triangulation techniques, the extension of observation, and check data providers (member check). Implementation of character value through the development of science process skills for students with special needs high class Taman Muda IP Yogyakarta had walked though not maximized, both in terms of planning, implementation, and assessment. The values of character can be extracted including gender, honest, independent, responsibility, willpower, and appreciate nature. Its success is influenced by the family environment, school, and community


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    Effective learning that is appropriate to the real world is Project Based Learning. The Project Based Learning model in science learning improves critical, creative and active thinking skills. In the 2013 curriculum, science learning directs students to produce products in the form of three-dimensional media based on the solar system. One way that teachers can take to familiarize students with thinking critically, creatively and actively is implementing a Project Based Learning model. The aim of this research is to describe the application of the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model and the steps in learning science regarding the solar system. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The research subjects studied were 18 class VI students. Data collection techniques were carried out using observation, documentation and interviews. The data analysis technique is carried out using the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Learning steps using the PjBL model: 1) basic questions, 2) designing a product plan, 3) preparing a manufacturing schedule, 4) monitoring project activity and development, 5) testing results, and 6) evaluating the learning experience. The results of this research show that the application of the Project Based Learning (PjBL) model makes students active and creative in learning, helps students learn the material, and can develop critical thinking skill
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